HTI Text Spelling and Coding Conventions
Modern British spelling has been used for all words. Some words with alternative spellings have been standardized: blessed (2 syllables), blest (1 syllable), Emmanuel, enthroned, ensure, hallelujah, inquire, Zion. O is used for vocatives (O Lord), oh for exclamations (oh, what a glorious day).
Apostrophes are used when a syllable is eliminated: for instance, e'er, ev'ry, pow'r, heav'n, wand'ring, th'eternal; but loved, not lov'd.
Use the first letter of each word. Sometimes it is uncertain whether something is one word or two. In general, hyphened groups count as two words. When there is an apostrophe joining two words, count them as one if the apostrophe replaces the beginning of the second word (I'd); count them as two if it cuts off the end of the first word (th'eternal).
- Counted as 1 word:
- awhile
- dayspring
- everyone (= all people)
- everything (= all things)
- goodwill
- he'll, he's
- however
- I'd, I'll, I'm, I've
- it's
- methinks
- myself
- ourselves
- thou'lt, thou'rt
- threescore
- thyself
- 'tis, 'twas, 'twere, 'twould
- today, tonight
- we'd, we'll, we're, we've
- whate'er, whatever
- where'er, wherever
- whoe'er, whoever
- whoso, whosoever
- Counted as 2 words:
- a-pleading
- all-seeing, all-wise [etc.]
- every one (= each one)
- every thing (= each thing)
- evil-doers
- for ever
- guardian-like
- heav'n-born
- long-expected
- loving-kindness
- th'almighty
- th'eternal
- t'adore, t'appear