After publication of the printed index in 1998, new sources continued to be discovered, and mistakes were point out. It is hoped to update the database every few years.
2001 Revision
The database was thoroughly revised in 2001 and corrected for this query program. For names of those who helped with this revision see Acknowledgements.
NEWLY INDEXED TUNES added in 2001 are numbered 18001–18330. Unlike the original tunes (1–17424) they are not in chronological order, but any tune query that asks for a chronological sorting of tunes places the newly indexed tunes in their correct place. New relationships were found between tunes previously thought independent: this required renumbering some tunes as derivatives of others.
The following NEWLY DISCOVERED SOURCES were added and indexed:
HTI Source Code | Source |
*P E83 b 1661 e | (subordinate to *P E83, now *P E83 a) |
*PER NMK 1791 e | The New Magazine of Knowledge |
*SM 99 1897 e | Whitsunday Christmass & Easter Hymns |
*UC 12 1785 e | (Untitled collection of hymns) |
#MPCH 1800 e | Music Purposely Composed for the Harp |
AddiSC 5 1784 e | (subordinate to AddiSC 3) |
BeauJNSM 1814 e | Beaumont, John. New Sacred Music |
BelcBSM 1787 e | Belcher, Benjamin. Sacred Melody |
BrodRCT 1787 e | Broderip, Robert. A Collection of Tunes |
BrooMMBC aa 1726 e | Michael Broom’s Collection of Church Musick |
ChapSS3 1817 e | Chapple, Samuel. A Third Set of Anthems. |
CharJFST b 1798 e | (subordinate to CharJFST, now CharJFST a) |
ColeWPE b 1768 e | (subordinate to ColeWPE, now ColeWPE a, 1760) |
DingLSA 4 1799 s | Ding, Laurence. The Scholar’s Assistant. Ed. 4 |
FawcJS1 1811 e | Fawcett, John. A Sett of Psalm & Hymn Tunes |
FawcJS2 1813 e | Fawcett, John. A Second Sett of Psalm & Hymn Tunes |
FawcJS3 1818 e | Fawcett, John. A Third Sett of Psalm & Hymn Tunes |
FlacWSP a 1750 e | Flackton, William. Select Psalms |
GreeJBP 7 1732 e | Green, James. A Book of Psalmody. Ed. 7 |
GreeTVHDP 1745 e | Green, Thomas, and Christopher Clark. Vocal Harmony |
HoweESPHT 1817 e | Howell, Edward. A Set of New Psalm and Hymn Tunes |
JackGSM 1807 a | Jackson, George Knowil. Sacred Music |
JarvSTPT 1816 e | Jarvis, Stephen. Twelve Psalm Tunes & Eight Anthems |
KeyJA4 b 1800 e | (subordinate to KeyJA4, now KeyJA4 a) |
LangRDH b 1780 e | (subordinate to LangRDH, now LangRDH a) |
LodeAALSM 1800 e | A. Loder’s Sacred Music compress’d into two parts |
MelrTSR 1819 e | Melrose, Thomas. The Singer’s Repository |
MillEWPH2 1805 e | Miller, Edward. Dr. Watts’s Psalms and Hymns. Vol. 2 |
MoreJSNP 1817 e | Moreton, John. Moreton’s Tunes |
MundJCM1 1788 e | Munden, J[ohn]. Church Music. Vol. I. |
NielLPH 1812 e | Nielsen, L.C. Psalms and Hymns Used in Chesterfield |
PlayHDC 1b 1705 e | (subordinate to PlayHDC 1, now PlayHDC 1a) |
SkilIAPT 1785 e | Skillern, Isaac. Six Anthems and Twelve Psalm Tunes |
SlyRAH 1777 e | Sly, R[ichard]. An Anthem and Hymn for Christmas |
SmitICPT 6 1791 e | Smith, Isaac. A Collection of Psalm Tunes. Ed. 6 |
SmitJSS3 c 1770 e | (subordinate to SmitJSS3 a) |
TolhHCM1 b 1813 e | (subordinate to TolhHCMN1 a, formerly TolHSASP) |
WardJCPHT b 1813 e | (subordinate to WardJCPHT, now WardJCPHT a) |
WebbSFS 1805 e | Webbe, Samuel, jun. A First Set of Twelve Psalm Tunes |
2006 Revision
Again, many revisions were incorporated as new sources and new errors came to light. For names of those who helped with this revision see Acknowledgements.
NEWLY INDEXED TUNES are numbered 18331–18649. Unlike the original tunes (1–17424) they are not in chronological order, but any tune query that asks for a chronological sorting of tunes places the newly indexed tunes in their correct place. New relationships were found between tunes previously thought independent; this required renumbering some tunes as derivatives of others.
The following NEWLY DISCOVERED SOURCES were added and indexed:
HTI Source Code | Source |
#MDE 1761 e | A Moral and Descriptive Epistle |
#SCGFFV 1790 e | The Sacred Pocket Companion for the German Flute |
BarwJHCD1 b 1796 e | (subordinate to BarwJHCD1 a, formerly BarwJHCD) |
BarwJHCD2 1796 e | Barwick, John. Harmonia Cantica Divina . . . Second Part |
EastWDM 1756 e | East, William. The Divine Melody |
FitcGCC 1816 e | (subordinate to FitcGCC a) |
FitcGNPT 1816 e | (subordinate to FitcGNPT a) |
GresWPI c 1801 e | Gresham, William. Psalmody Improved |
HowgJSM17 1820 e | Howgate, John. Sacred Music. Seventeen Hymn & Psalm Tunes |
HowgJSM20 1820 e | Howgate, John. Sacred Music. Twenty Hymn & Psalm Tunes |
KollAHVH 1803 e | Kollmann, August. A Hymn with Various Harmonies |
MoorTPSDP 1762 s | Moore, Thomas. The Psalm-Singer’s Delightful Pocket Companion |
PeckJPM6 1813 e | [Peck, James.] Pecks Miscellaneous Collection of Music. Vol. 6 |
RussDUH 1791 a | Russ, Daniel, and Caleb Poor. Uranian Harmony |
SoutJESH 1816 e | Southgate, James. The Essex Sacred Harmony |
TolhHCM4 1807 e | Tolhurst, James. Church Music Book 4th |
WebbWISP 1699 e | Webb, William. An Introduction to Singing of the Psalms |