Location Abbreviations
The following abbreviations are used for locations of sources. They are based on the library sigla used by the Répertoire International des Sources Musicales and in the New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. Additional abbreviations on the same lines have been added for small libraries and private owners. For United States libraries, the National Union Catalog sigla have been added in parentheses, but these secondary abbreviations are not listed below.
Abbreviation | Location |
A (Austria) | |
A-Wo | Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek |
B (Belgium) | |
B-Br | Brussels, Bibliothèque royale |
C (Canada) | |
C-Ocu | Ottawa, Carleton University |
C-SJ | St. John (New Brunswick), New Brunswick Museum |
C-Tu | Toronto, University of Toronto |
D (Germany) | |
D-Gs | Göttingen, Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek |
D-HAu | Halle an der Saale, Universitätsbibliothek Sachsen-Anthalt |
D-SWl | Schwerin, Landesbibliothek Mecklenburg-Vorpommern |
EIRE (Ireland) | |
EIRE-Dtc | Dublin, Trinity College |
F (France) | |
F-P | n Paris, Bibliothèque nationale |
GB (Great Britain) | |
GB-A | Aberdeen, University Library |
GB-Ada | Aberdeen, Episcopal Diocese, Diocesan Archives |
GB-Ap | Aberdeen, City Library |
GB-anon. | anonymous owner |
GB-BA | Bath, Central Library |
GB-Bp | Birmingham, Public Library |
GB-Bu | Birmingham, University Library |
GB-BRp | Bristol, Central Library |
GB-BUcribb | Bury St. Edmunds, The Rev. N. L. Cribb |
GB-Ce | Cambridge, Emmanuel College |
GB-Cfm | Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum |
GB-Ckc | Cambridge, King’s College, Rowe Music Library |
GB-Ctc | Cambridge, Trinity College |
GB-Cu | Cambridge, University Library |
GB-Cwc | Cambridge, Westminster College |
GB-CAlsl | Canterbury, Local Studies Library |
GB-CHEro | Chester, City Record Office |
GB-CHF | Chesterfield, Central Library |
GB-CONdrage | Congleton (Cheshire), Sally Drage |
GB-CORglover | Corby (Leicestershire), Susan Glover |
GB-DOcm | Dorchester (Dorset), Dorset County Museum |
GB-DRc | Durham, Cathedral Library |
GB-DU | Dundee, Public Library |
GB-En | Edinburgh, National Library of Scotland |
GB-Enc | Edinburgh, New College Library |
GB-Ep | Edinburgh, Central Public Library |
GB-Er | Edinburgh, University of Edinburgh, Reid Music Library |
GB-Ero | Edinburgh, Scottish Record Office |
GB-Etc | Edinburgh, Theological College |
GB-EXro | Exter, Devon record Officce |
GB-Ge | Glasgow, University of Glasgow, Euing Music Library |
GB-Gm | Glasgow, Mitchell Library |
GB-Gu | Glasgow, University Library |
GB-GL | Gloucester, Cathedral Library |
GB-HORboston | Horsham (Norfolk), The Rev. Jonathan Boston |
GB-Lam | London, Royal Academy of Music |
GB-Lbl | London, British Library |
GB-Lbs | London, British and Foreign Bible Society |
GB-Lbuckle | London, Janet Buckle |
GB-Lch | London, Christ’s Hospital |
GB-Lcm | London, Royal College of Music |
GB-Lco | London, Royal College of Organists |
GB-Ldc | London, Dulwich College |
GB-Ldw | London, Dr. Williams’s Library |
GB-Lg | London, Guildhall Library |
GB-Llp | London, Lambeth Palace Library |
GB-Lmt | London, Minet Library |
GB-Lsa | London, Society of Antiquaries |
GB-Lsp | London, St. Paul’s Cathedral |
GB-Lu | London, University of London |
GB-LCu | Leicester, University Library |
GB-LEbc | Leeds, University of Leeds, Brotherton Library |
GB-LVc | Liverpool, Cathedral |
GB-LVp | Liverpool, Public Library |
GB-Mp | Manchester, Central Public Library |
GB-Mu | Manchester, University L:ibrary |
GB-MAcks | Maidstone (Kent), Centre for Kentish Studies |
GB-NHp | Northampton, Public Library |
GB-NHro | Northampton, Northamptonshire County Record Office |
GB-NOp | Nottingham, University Library |
GB-Ob | Oxford, University of Oxford, Bodleian Library |
GB-Occ | Oxford, Christ Church |
GB-Omac | Oxford, Manchester College |
GB-Oqc | Oxford, Queen’s College |
GB-Orc | Oxford, Regnt’s Park College |
GB-PB | Peterborough, Cathedral |
GB-Rp | Reading, Public Library |
GB-ROM | Romsey, M.D.G.Moon |
GB-SA | St. Andrews, University Library |
GB-SEVjeffery | Sevenoaks (Kent), Douglas A. Jeffery |
GB-SHp | Sheffield, Central Library |
GB-T | Tenbury, St. Michael’s College |
GB-Wc | Winchester, Cathedral |
GB-WAro | Warwick, Warwickshire County Record Office |
GB-WIDc | Widdecombe (Devon), parish church |
GB-WIGro | Wigston Magna (Leicestershire), Leicestershire County Record Office |
GB-Y | York, Minster Library |
I (Italy) | |
I-TRmn | Trento, Museo nationale |
US (United States) | |
US-AA | Ann Arbor (Michigan), University of Michigan, Clements Library |
US-AB | Albany (New York), New York State Library |
US-ARDzinman | Ardsley (New York), Michael Zinman |
US-ATet | Atlanta (Georgia), Emory University, Pitts Theology Library |
US-AVONkeith | Avondale Estates (Georgia), E. D. Keith |
US-Ba | Boston (Massachusetts), Boston Athenaeum Library |
US-Bc | Boston, New England Conservatory of Music |
US-Bh | Boston, Harvard Musical Association |
US-Bhs | Boston, Massachusetts Historical Society |
US-Bp | Boston, Public Library |
US-BAhs | Baltimore, Maryland Historical Society |
US-BE | Berkeley (California), University of California, Music Library |
US-BGR | Bowling Green (Kentucky), Western Kentucky University |
US-BU | Buffalo (New York), Buffalo and Erie County Public Library |
US-Cn | Chicago (Illinois), Newberry Library |
US-Cu | Chicago, University of Chicago, Regenstein Library |
US-CA | Cambridge (Massachusetts), Harvard University |
US-CDhs | Concord (New Hampshire), New Hampshire Historical Society |
US-CHua | Charlottesville (Virginia), University of Virginia |
US-CIp | Cincinnati (Ohio), Public Library |
US-DEER | Deerfield (Massachusetts): Pocumtuck Valley Library |
US-DEShd | Des Moines (Iowa), Iowa State Historical Department |
US-Eg | Evanston (Illinois), Garrett Theological Seminary |
US-FW | Fort Worth (Texas), Southwest Baptist Theological Seminary |
US-GO | Goshen (Indiana), Goshen College, Mennonite Historical Library |
US-Hhs | Hartford (Connecticut), Connecticut Historical Society |
US-Hm | Hartford, Hartford Seminary Foundation, Case Memorial Library |
US-Hs | Hartford, Connecticut State Library |
US-Hw | Hartford, Trinity College, Watkinson Library |
US-HA | Hanover (New Hampshire), Dartmouth College, Baker Library |
US-HB | Harrisonburg (Virginia), Eastern Mennonite College |
US-IO | Iowa City (Iowa), University of Iowa |
US-Lu | Lawrence (Kansas), University of Kansas |
US-LAu | Los Angeles (California), University of California |
US-LAuc | Los Angeles, University of California, Clark Memorial Library |
US-LEX | Lexington (Kentucky), University of Kentucky |
US-ME | Meadville (Pennsylvania), Allegheny College |
US-MH | Manhattan (Kansas), Kansas State University |
US-Nf | Northampton (Massachusetts), Forbes Library |
US-NBs | New Brunswick (New Jersey), New Brunswick Theological Seminary |
US-NBu | New Brunswick, Rutgers University |
US-NH | New Haven (Connecticut), Yale University |
US-NORts | New Orleans (Louisiana), New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary |
US-NYch | New York (New York), Cooper-Hewitt Library |
US-NYhs | New York, New York Historical Society |
US-NYp | New York, New York Public Library |
US-NYpm | New York, Pierpont Morgan Library |
US-NYts | New York, Union Theological Seminary |
US-NYtsm | New York, General Theological Seminary, St. Mark’s Library |
US-Pc | Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania), Carnegie Library |
US-Ps | Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary |
US-Pu | Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh |
US-PHci | Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), Curtis Institute of Music |
US-PHf | Philadelphia, Free Library of Philadelphia |
US-PHhs | Philadelphia, Historical Society of Pennsylvania |
US-PHkm | Philadelphia, Lutheran Theological Seminary |
US-PHlc | Philadelphia, Library Company of Philadelphia |
US-PHphs | Philadelphia, Presbyterian Historical Society |
US-PHu | Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania |
US-PRleaver | Princeton (New Jersey), Robin A. Leaver |
US-PRs | Princeton, Princeton Theological Seminary |
US-PROu | Providence (Rhode Island), Brown University |
US-R | Rochester (New York), Eastman School of Music, Sibley Library |
US-SA | Salem (Massachusetts), Essex Institute |
US-SClauters | Sacramento (California), Stuart Lauters |
US-SEWherl | Seward (Nebraska), Joseph Herl |
US-SLhs | St. Louis (Missouri), Missouri Historical Society |
US-SM | San Marino (California), Huntington Library |
US-SPD | Springfield (Massachusetts), Public Library |
US-TA | Tallhassee (Florida), Florida State University |
US-U | Urbana (Illinois), University of Illinois |
US-Utemperley | Urbana, Nicholas Temperley |
US-Wc | Washington (District of Columbia), Library of Congress |
US-Ws | Washington, Folger Shakespeare Library |
US-Wsc | Washington, Scottish Rite Masons Supreme Council |
US-WAT | Waterville (Maine), Colby College |
US-WC | Waco (Texas), Baylor University |
US-WGc | Williamsburg (Virginia), College of William and Mary |
US-WI | Williamstown (Massachusetts), Williams College |
US-WOa | Worcester (Massachusetts), American Antiquarian Society |
US-WS | Winston-Salem (North Carolina), Moravian Music Foundation |