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The Hymn Tune Index

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STC Numbers to HTI Source Codes

The Short Title Catalogue 1475–1640 (STC) is a checklist covering all materials of any kind printed in the British Isles, or in the English language, in or before the year 1640, and in many cases giving the locations of all known copies. The numbers in the lefthand column below are derived from the revised (1976–91) edition of this work.

For editions of the Sternhold and Hopkins metrical psalms (STC nos. 2419–2724) and of the Anglo-Genevan or Scottish Book of Common Order (16561–16603), the table lists all STC items, and provides in each case either an HTI source code or (in parentheses) the reason why none exists.

Apart from these two ranges, however, the table lists only the STC items that have been found to contain hymn tunes.

STC No.HTI Source Code
2407AinsHBP 1
2411AinsHBP 2
2419–2426.8(no music)
2427[P E1
2428[P AG6 b
2429[P E2
2429.5[P E3
2430[P E4
2430.5[P E5
2432[P E6
2433[P E7
2434[P E8 a
2435[P E8 b
2437[P E8 c
2438[P E8 d
2439.3[P E9 a
2439.5[P E10 a
2439.7[P E11
2440[P E12
2440a[P E13
2441[P E14 a
2441.5[P E15
2441.7[P E9 b
2442[P E10 b
2442.5[P E14 b
2442.7[P E16 a
2443[P E17
2443.5[P E9 c
2444[P E10 c
2445[P E16 b
2445a.5[P E9 d
2446[P E18 a
2447[P E10 d
2448[P E9 e
2448.5[P E10 e
2449[P E21 a
2449.3[P E19
2449.5[P E20 a
2449.7[P E18 b
2450[P E10 f
2450.5[P E22 a
2451[P E22 b
2451.5[P E23 a
2452[P E24 a
2452.5[P E10 g
2452.7[P E10 h
2453[P E8 e
2454[P E24 b
2456[P E10 i
2456.2[P E10 j
2456.4[P E21 b
2456.6[P E23 b
2457[P E24 c
2458[P E10 k
2458.3[P E10 l
2459[P E21 c
2459.3[P E25 a
2459.5[P E23 c
2459.7[P E22 c
2460[P E10 m
2460.5[P E21 d
2461[P E23 d
2461.3[P E22 d
2461.5[P E23 e
2462[P E18 c
2463[P E16 c
2464[P E10 n
2465[P E10 o
2466[P E18 d
2466.5[P E24 d
2466.7[P E21 e
2466.9[P E23 f
2467[P E24 e
2467.3[P E10 p
2468[P E25 b
2468.5[P E10 q
2469[P E26 a
2470[P E27
2470a[P E10 r
2470a.3[P E25 c
2470a.6[P E28
2471[P E16 d
2472[P E29 a
2472.5[P E30 a
2473[P E25 d
2473a[P E25 e
2474[P E29 b
2475[P E29 c
2475.2[P E31 a
2475.3[P E32
2475.5(title page only)
2476[P E33 a
2476.5[P E29 d
2477[P E33 b
2477.5(no music)
2477.7[P E29 e
2478[P E33 c
2478.5[P E34
2479[P E29 f
2479.5[P E31 b
2480[P E26 b
2481[P E29 g
2481.5[P E35 a
2482EastTWBP a
2483.5[P E30 b
2483.7(title page only)
2484.3[P E25 f
2485[P E20 b
2486[P E29 h
2487[P E29 i
2487.3[P E31 c
2487.6(no music)
2488EastTWBP b
2489[P E36 a
2490[P E29 j
2490.2[P E30 c
2490.3[P E30 c
2490.4[P E25 g
2490.5(no music)
2490.6[P E30 d
2490.7[P E35 b
2490.8[P E25 h
2491[P E31 d
2492[P E29 k
2492a[P E37
2492a.5(no music)
2493[P E31 e
2494[P E29 l
2494a[P E25 i
2494a.5[P E23 g
2497.3[P E36 b
2497.5[P E29 m
2497.7[P E35 c
2498(no music)
2498.5[P E20 c
2499[P E49 q
2499.2[P E49 p
2499.3[P E49 r
2499.4[P E49 n
2499.5[P E49 s
2499.6[P E49 o
2499.7[P E49 m
2499.9[P E38
2500[P E29 n
2500.3[P E29 o
2500.5[P E25 j
2500.7[P E35 d
2501(no music)
2502[P E29 p
2503[P E25 k
2503.5[P E35 e
2504(no music)
2505[P E39
2506[P E29 q
2506.5[P E31 f
2507[P E25 l
2507.5[P E40
2508[P E36 c
2509[P E29 r
2510[P E35 f
2510.5[P E41 a
2511[P E42 a
2511.5[P E42 a
2512[P E25 m
2512a[P E16 e
2513[P E29 s
2514[P E43 a
2514.5[P E25 n
2515EastTWBP c
2516[P E36 d
2517[P E29 t
2518[P E44
2519[P E36 e
2519.5[P E43 b
2520[P E29 u
2521[P E25 o
2521.3[P E25 p
2521.6(no music)
2522[P E45
2522.3[P E46
2522.5[P E43 c
2523[P E29 v
2523.3[P E29 w
2523.5[P E47 a
2524[P E25 q
2524.5[P E48
2524.7[P E41 b
2525(no music)
2525.5[P E43 d
2526[P E29 x
2526.3[P E49 a
2526.6[P E25 r
2527[P E23 h
2527.5[P E42 b
2527.7[P E41 c
2528[P E50 a
2528.5[P E50 b
2529[P E49 b
2529.3[P E49 c
2529.5[P E43 e
2530[P E25 s
2530.3[P E25 t
2530.5[P E35 g
2531[P E41 d
2532(no music)
2533[P E49 d
2533.5[P E49 e
2534[P E25 u
2534.5[P E25 v
2535[P E35 h
2535.3[P E42 c
2535.5[P E41 e
2536[P E20 d
2536.5[P E51 a
2537[P E29 y
2537.5[P E52
2538[P E25 w
2538.5EastTWBP d
2538.7[P E41 f
2539[P E50 c
2540[P E49 f
2540.5[P E49 g
2541[P E29 z
2541.5[P E53 a
2542[P E25 x
2544[P E42 d
2544.2[P E41 g
2544.3(no music)
2544.5[P E29 aa
2544.7[P E53 b
2545[P E25 y
2546[P E54 a
2546.5[P E41 h
2547[P E51 b
2548[P E49 h
2548.5[P E53 c
2548.7[P E29 bb
2549[P E47 b
2549.3[P E25 z
2549.5[P E23 i
2549.7[P E41 i
2549.9(no music)
2550[P E51 c
2551[P E49 i
2551.3[P E29 cc
2551.5[P E55 a
2552[P E56
2552.3[P E25 aa
2554[P E42 e
2554.5[P E41 j
2555[P E29 dd
2555.3[P E29 ee
2555.5[P E55 b
2556[P E25 bb
2556.2[P E21 f
2556.5[P E41 k
2556.7[P E20 e
2557[P E49 j
2557.3[P E29 ff
2557.5[P E55 c
2558[P E25 cc
2558.3(no music)
2559[P E42 f
2559.5[P E41 l
2560[P E50 d
2560.5[P E51 d
2560a[P E29 gg
2560a.5[P E55 d
2560a.7[P E21 g
2561[P E25 dd
2561.3[P E25 ee
2561.5[P E54 b
2562(no music)
2562.2(no music)
2562.4[P E41 m
2562.6[P E20 f
2562.8(no music)
2563[P E51 e
2564[P E49 k
2564.2[P E49 l
2564.4[P E29 hh
2564.6[P E29 ii
2564.8[P E55 e
2565[P E25 ff
2566[P E21 h
2567(no music)
2567.3[P E42 g
2567.6[P E23 j
2568[P E41 n
2569(no music)
2569.7[P E29 jj
2570[P E55 f
2570.5[P E55 g
2571[P E25 gg
2571.3[P E21 i
2571.5(no music)
2571.7[P E41 o
2572[P E29 kk
2572.3[P E57
2572.6[P E25 hh
2573.5[P E58
2574[P E53 k
2574.3[P E41 p
2574.5(no music)
2575RaveTWBP a
2575a[P E59 a
2576[P E60 a
2576.5[P E60 b
2576.7[P E61 a
2577(no music)
2578[P E59 b
2578.5[P E62 a
2579[P E20 g
2580[P E63 a
2581[P E59 c
2582[P E60 c
2583[P E54 c
2583.3(no music)
2583.5[P E64 a
2583.7[P E62 b
2584[P E25 ii
2584.5(no music)
2585[P E50 e
2585.5[P E65 a
2586[P E60 d
2587[P E61 b
2587.3[P E64 b
2587.5[P E62 c
2588(no music)
2588.5[P E66 a
2589[P E63 b
2590[P E67 a
2590.5[P E68
2591[P E61 c
2592[P E60 e
2592.5(no music)
2593[P E69
2593.5[P E64 c
2594[P E67 b
2595[P E60 f
2596(no music)
2597[P E64 d
2597.2[P E64 e
2598[P E62 d
2599[P E63 c
2599.5[P E70 a
2600[P E60 g
2600.5[P E61 d
2601(no music)
2601.5[P E71 a
2602[P E62 e
2603[P E66 b
2603.5(no music)
2604[P E67 c
2604.5[P E65 b
2605[P E60 h
2605.5[P E61 e
2606(no music)
2607[P E72 a
2607.5[P E62 f
2608[P E60 i
2609[P E25 jj
2610(no music)
2610.3(no music)
2610.5(no music)
2610.7[P E62 g
2612[P E60 j
2612.5[P E63 d
2614[P E73
2614.5[P E70 b
2615[P E54 d
2615.5[P E60 k
2615.7[P E61 f
2616(no music)
2616.5[P E71 b
2617[P E62 h
2617.5(no music)
2617.7[P E60 l
2618[P E63 e
2619[P E65 c
2620[P E67 d
2620.5[P E70 c
2621[P E60 m
2622(no music)
2622.5(no music)
2623[P E62 i
2623.5(no music)
2624[P E74 a
2624.5[P E74 b
2625[P E63 f
2626[P E67 e
2627[P E60 n
2629(no music)
2630[P E72 b
2630.5[P E62 j
2631[P E66 c
2632[P E75
2633[P E50 f
2634[P E67 f
2635[P E70 d
2636[P E60 o
2637[P E60 p
2637.2[P E61 g
2637.3(no music)
2637.4(no music)
2637.6[P E71 c
2637.8[P E62 k
2638(no music)
2639[P E63 g
2640[P E65 d
2641[P E70 e
2641.5[P E67 g
2641.7(no music)
2642[P E60 q
2644[P E54 e
2645[P E76 a
2645.3(no music)
2645.7[P E62 l
2646[P E66 d
2647[P E74 c
2648RaveTWBP b
2649[P E67 h
2650[P E60 r
2650.5[P E60 s
2651(no music)
2651a(no music)
2652[P E62 m
2653(no music)
2653.5[P E66 e
2654[P E74 d
2654.5(no music)
2655[P E63 h
2656[P E67 i
2656.5[P E70 f
2657[P E60 t
2659(no music)
2659.5[P E78
2660(no music)
2661[P E77
2661.5[P E62 n
2662(no music)
2662.3[P E66 f
2662.5[P E63 i
2663[P E65 e
2664[P E79 a
2665[P E60 u
2665.5[P E60 v
2666(no music)
2666.2[P E76 b
2666.5[P E71 d
2667[P E62 o
2667.2[P E62 p
2667.4[P E62 q
2669[P E67 j
2670[P E60 w
2670.5[P E80 a
2671(no music)
2671.5(no music)
2672[P E71 e
2672.3[P E71 f
2672.7[P E62 r
2673(no music)
2673.3(no music)
2673.5[P E66 g
2674[P E74 e
2675[P E74 f
2676[P E50 g
2677[P E81 a
2678[P E60 x
2678.2[P E60 y
2678.4[P E60 z
2679[P E80 b
2680(no music)
2680.1(no music)
2680.2(no music)
2680.3(no music)
2680.5(no music)
2680.6(no music)
2680.7(no music)
2681.3[P E62 s
2682[P E74 g
2683[P E74 h
2685[P E67 k
2686(no music)
2686.2[P E60 aa
2686.3[P E60 bb
2686.4[P E60 cc
2686.6[P E80 c
2686.8[P E25 kk
2688(no music)
2688.5(no music)
2689[P E62 t
2690(no music)
2691[P E66 h
2692[P E74 i
2692.5(no music)
2693[P E81 b
2694[P E79 b
2695[P E60 dd
2696[P E60 ee
2696.3[P E60 ff
2696.5[P E80 d
2697(no music)
2697.5[P E71 g
2698[P E62 u
2699[P E62 v
2700[P E66 i
2701[P S6 b
2702[P S10
2703(no music)
2704[P S13
2705[P S16
2706[P S18
2708[P S19
2708.5(no music)
2709[P S22
2710–2724(no music)
2734#AFTP a
2734.5AinsHBP c
2983.8TyeCAA a
2984TyeCAA b
2985TyeCAA c
5208[CHP A
5208.5[CHP B
5208.7[CHP C
5209[CHP D a
5209.3[CHP E
13975HunnWSS a
13975.5HunnWSS b
13976HunnWSS c
13977HunnWSS d
13977.5HunnWSS e
13978HunnWSS f
13979(no music)
13979.5(no music)
13980(no music)
13981HunnWSS j
13982HunnWSS k
13983HunnWSS l
13983.5HunnWSS m
13984HunnWSS n
13984.5HunnWSS o
15433(no music)
15434LeigWTL b
16561[P AG1
16561.5(no music)
16561a[P AG2
16561a.5[P AG4
16562[P AG5
16563[P AG6 a
16564(no music)
16577[P S1 a
16577a[P S1 b
16578[P S2
16579[P S3 a
16579.5[P S4
16580[P S3 b
16580.3(no music)
16580.7(no music)
16581(no music)
16582[P S5 a
16583[P S5 b
16584[P S6 a
16584.5[P S5 c
16585[P S7
16585.5(no music)
16586(no music)
16587[P S8
16588[P S9
16589[P S11
16589.5[P S12
16590[P S14
16591[P S15
16592[P S17
16593[P S20
16593.5(no music)
16594[P S21
16594.5[P S22
16595(no music)
16595.5[P S23
16596[P S24
16596.5[P S25
16597[P S26
16598[P S27 a
16599[P S28
16600(no music)
16601[P S27 b
16602(no music)
16603(no music)
21715LaweHPPD a
25908WithGHSC b
25909.5WithGHSC c
25910WithGHSC d
25910.5WithGHSC e
25910.7WithGHSC f
25910aWithGHSC a
25910a.3WithGHSC g
25910a.5WithGHSC h